Cooling affects cognitive behaviour during sports and contribute to psychological performance enhancement. Cooling impulses during recreational and competitive sport can be a positive stimulus.
For example, active cooling before a race can improve the well-being of competitors, helping them to feel more comfortable and focused.
Suggested Resources
Heat alleviation strategies for athletic performance: A review and practitioner guidelines
Gibson OR, James CA, Mee JA, Willmott AGB, Turner G, Hayes M, Maxwell NS. Heat alleviation strategies for athletic performance: A review and practitioner guidelines. Temperature (Austin). 2019 Oct 12;7(1):3-36. doi: 10.1080/23328940.2019.1666624. PMID: 32166103; PMCID: PMC7053966.
Book: Authors Ph.D. Stephen Cheung, Ph.D. Philip Ainslie
Advanced Environmental Exercise Physiology
Publisher: Human Kinetics (ISBN: 9781492593980)
Study: European Journal of Applied Physiology
Impact of thermal sensation on exercise performance in the heat: a Thermo Tokyo sub-study
Kroesen, Sophie & De Korte, Yannick & Hopman, Maria & Bongers, Coen & Eijsvogels, Thijs. (2022). Impact of thermal sensation on exercise performance in the heat: a Thermo Tokyo sub-study. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 122. 10.1007/s00421-021-04845-8.